I knew I needed another weekly feature along with Tushie Talk (which by the way will be Thursday this week due to my special post yesterday) to complete the blog!
Enter....What Emmett Ate Wednesday.
WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday) is very popular in the blog world. From healthy living to gourmet chef to people just taking pics of what they ate on Wednesday's! Since this blog is geared towards life with a little human I decided to spin off this idea to incorporate our adventures in Baby Led Weaning (BLW) regularly!
Things to note:
1) Emmett is a pig. He is pushing 8 months old and pushing 25lbs (and around 32 inches). He's very healthy (according to our Dr and Pedi) and will likely be a big, big boy!
2) Emmett is a SHOVEL MONSTER. He literally grabs a handful, shovels it into his mouth. Some falls from his chubby little fist and gets lost for eternity, some falls back onto his tray and some even gets into his mouth. Repeat.
3) Emmett started purees just before 5 months and we started BLW around 6 months. He is a very good eater. Not all babies will be ready for BLW or the same amount of food he consumes. Go at your babes pace and try not to compare how much they eat. If you have any concerns consult your Dr or Pedi.
What Emmett Ate Wednesday
Meal #1: 7 oz bottle
Meal # 2 Breakfast: 1 egg yolk cut into "fry" shape
1 banana - I give him this in two halves. He eats some, mushes some and gets the rest in his hair, chair, clothes, etc.
Meal #3: 4 oz bottle
Meal 4:Lunch/Snack (naptime will determine when he eats): 2ish tbsp plain greek yogurt with cinnamon, handful organic apple cinnamon teddy cereal, 1/5 avocado - also cut into "fry" shape
Meal #4 - 8 oz bottle
Meal # 4.5 - 4oz bottle before nap
Meal # 5 Dinner: 1/4 cup plain pasta, 1/4 cup mixed veggies, 1/2 spinach and chickpea patty cut into bite sized pieces
Meal #6: Bedtime bottle - tonight he ate 12 oz
This is a bit more than what he normally eats but we also think that he is at the start of a growth spurt. He's been a pig for a few days and sleeping ALOT.