Google+ Adventures with Baby Boo Bear: Tushie Talk Tuesdays: Regular laundry routine

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tushie Talk Tuesdays: Regular laundry routine

One of the biggest hesitations from parents that I have heard about choosing cloth diapering is LAUNDRY!!

I am here to tell you today that it really isn't that hard! 

This is how we wash our dirty cloth diapers.  We wash on the largest setting possible to avoid stinky diapers and repelling issues!

1. Cold rinse - no detergent
2. Hot wash - 2-4 TBSP Rockin Green
3. Cold rinse

1. Ummm nothing.  This rinse is essential to removing crap (literally) from your diapers prior to washing

2. Some diaper companies will tell you warm wash only.  Some people will tell you cold will suffice.  The reason you need hot water is to kill the bacteria in the diapers.  Plain and simple.  BUT do not use a sanitizing setting.  This is too hot and can ruin the PUL.

3. The rinse ensures that all the detergent is removed from the dipes to avoid residue which can lead to repelling.  A lot of advice I received prior to CDing was to have two final rinses.  I did start with 2 but learned that my machine performs just fine on one rinse cycle.

I have the benefit of having a top loading washing machine.  It is old and dingy and ugly.  I don't care.  I love it.  If I have to buy a new washing machine while I am still using CD I will likely buy another top loader. 


Front loading machines are usually energy efficient.  What that means for CDing families is less water.  Generally, this is a good thing!  As far as washing CD it is not.  One of the top rules for washing is lots and lots of WATER.  Essential to getting those diapers clean, clean, clean!

**If you DO have a front loader and find that you are having trouble with build up/diapers not getting clean enough even though you are using the largest setting try placing a wet towel in the load.  It can help to trick your machine into thinking there is more stuff in there sending a message to give more water!**

Finally, the drying process.  I try to hang dry my CD as much as possible.  Usually outside but if that isn't possible inside in a sunny place.  The sun will bleach your diapers naturally!

Occasionally I throw them into the dry on a low setting to help reseal the PUL but this isn't necessary.  If you are running low on liners (which I never am because my stash is HUGE so I omit this step) you can throw them into the dryer regularly. 

So that's it!  Super simple right!

Here is a quick recap in pictures...because pictures always make learning more fun!

1. Bring your dirty dipes to the washing area.  Simple.


2.  Set your washing machine to the correct settings for your first rinse cycle

Please excuse the lint on the machine...I wasn't cleaning it just for you guys

3.  After the first rinse set your machine for the wash cycle...still with me?

4. Throw in all your crap along with some CD friendly detergent!  Almost done!

5. Finally, 1 or 2 more rinses (see # 2).
6. Hang to dry and you are done!!
Until next time...the adventure continues!

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