In past years we have had a real tree which means we have to wait a few extra weeks to get our tree, although we do decorate the rest of the house the weekend of the parade.
Last year we didn't have to worry about the tree because Emmett being a whopping 3 weeks old at Christmas didn't have much interest! We ended up putting up the artificial tree because there was NO way I was lugging my huge pregnant butt out to the tree farm in the snow and cold!
We reluctantly decided to go artificial again this year. Mainly for Emmett's safety (a small part of me wanted artificial so we could get it up earlier). As we expected Emmett LOVES the tree! Mostly, he is very good about leaving it alone. However, he is still a very curious little man...who loves to defy Mommy & Daddy particularly when he is tired and grumpy. This is usually when the tree gets "undressed".
Enter the Felt Christmas Tree!
I have seen a few pinterest links on the DIY Felt Christmas Tree. I decided to tackle it. I didn't read directions for any particular site as it seemed easy enough to do on my own.
Felt Christmas Tree
Materials Needed for 3.5 foot tree
1 metre of green felt
5-6 sheets of coloured felt
Glue gun or white glue (optional)
Strong tape or adhesive of choice to tape to wall/window
1) Fold green felt in half lengthwise
2) Draw half a tree - I used chalk to do this and just free handed my tree
3) Cut out tree leaving fold in tact
4) Use coloured felts to cut out ornaments. I just used basic circles and ovals. Some tutorials I saw got super creative and used cookie cutters or stencils to make fancy ornaments! I made a few presents for the bottom but that was as creative as I got.
Lots of pretty colours!
The end result!
Think he likes it?
Here's to the first of what will hopefully be many DIY Christmas projects!!
How do you keep curious toddlers away from the Christmas tree?
When do you decorate for Christmas in your house?
He looks so grown up!! So cute! :)